Swifties Brasil

‘Eram apenas pequenas crianças em uma aula de dança’: Taylor Swift diz que está ‘em choque’ após 2 serem esfaqueados até a morte no Reino Unido

‘Eram apenas pequenas crianças em uma aula de dança’: Taylor Swift diz que está ‘em choque’ após 2 serem esfaqueados até a morte no Reino Unido

This text appears to be HTML code for a news article about a riot and stabbings in Southport, England. The text contains URLs for images related to the story, as well as some of the article text itself. The news story seems to be about a violent incident involving a 17-year-old suspect, protests that erupted in response, and reactions from various people including Taylor Swift and June Burns, the mayor of neighboring Sefton. Please note that HTML is a markup language designed to structure content on the web and is not intended to be human-readable text
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Taylor Swift
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